

The sendings of all the products of the On-line Shop of Global Relax are managed by the main logistical companies European, leaders in his sector.

Our Customers enjoy of total tranquility during the sending, since from the first moment will have of the Number of follow-up of his Request (number localizador/number tracking) to know with detail where finds his product in each instant and when they will receive it.

Price of the Service of STANDARD DELIVERY: it Consult the section of "Expenses of Sending", of agreement to the product purchased and the Zone of Delivery.

This service is not refundable, since it can not cancel once loaned the service



The service of DELIVERY ADVANCE only valid for the following products: VITALZEN, VITALZEN PLUS, ZEN SHAPER and ZEN SHAPER PLUS.

GLOBAL RELAX offers an exclusive service of Personal Delivery of the product to our more demanding Customers.

In the service of DELIVERY ADVANCE, a Repartidor qualified of Global Relax will attend to his domicile, in the day and hour agreed with you, to deliver him in person his Request.

With the service of DELIVERY ADVANCE you will not have to concern of any of the problems that can ocasionar the sending and the delivery of a product, since it has of the following ADVANTAGES:

TRANQUILITY: it do not concern of the delivery of the product. The Repartidor qualified of Global Relax will contact previously with you to agree the day and hour in what you will be present in his domicile to agree the delivery.

COMFORT: When treating of a bulky package, the Repartidor will deliver him and will install the product in the place chosen of his domicile.

EASE: The Repartidor qualified desembalará the product so that you ensure that it delivers in perfect conditions, and that has not received any damage during the transport.

LEARNING: The Repartidor qualified will proceed to install the product in the place of his domicile that you wish, and will put it in state of operation. Likewise, you will receive a brief explanation of use and councils of utilisation of the product by part of qualified personnel of Global Relax.

MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS: The Manuals of Instructions of our products distribute of electronic form (in format PDF). If you wishes them, with the Service of DELIVERY ADVANCE you can request that the Repartidor deliver him the Manual of Instructions form in paper in the moment of the installation.

RECYCLING: By reasons of space, you can request to the Repartidor that carry all the materials of packaging (cardboards, plastics) Of his new product. We will commission us of his ecological recycling.

EXCLUSIVITY: This service only is available for those Customers that have purchased one of the following Massagers of High Range: VITALZEN - VITALZEN PLUS - ZEN SHAPER - ZEN SHAPER PLUS.

The service of DELIVERY ADVANCE only applies for those deliveries in Peninsular Territory Spanish.

Price of the Service of DELIVERY ADVANCE: 4,90 eur(Included VAT).

This service is not refundable, since it can not cancel once loaned the service.

The term of delivery will oscillate between 1 and 15 business days, of agreement to the day and hour that agree jointly the Customer and Global Relax, for the delivery of the product.

The contracting of the service DELIVERS ADVANCE will be compulsory when the form of payment chosen (and definitively approved) was the Finance.



Theservice of DELIVERY PREMIUM onlyisvalidforthoseCustomersthathavepurchasedanarmchair of massage.

GLOBAL RELAX offersan exclusive service of Personal Delivery of theproduct to our more demandingCustomers.

In theservice of DELIVERY PREMIUM, a Repartidor qualified of Global Relax willattend to hisdomicile, in theday and houragreedwithyou, to deliverhim in personhisArmchair of Massage.

Withtheservice of DELIVERY PREMIUM youwillnothave to concern of any of theproblemsthat can ocasionar thesending and thedelivery of a productwiththebulkydimensions and theweight of anArmchair of Massage, sinceit has of thefollowing ADVANTAGES:

TRANQUILITY: it do notconcern of thedelivery of theproduct. The Repartidor qualified of Global Relax willcontactpreviouslywithyou to agreetheday and hour in whatyouwill be present in hisdomicile to agreethedelivery.

COMFORT: When treating of a package of big dimensions and weight, the Repartidor will deliver him and will install the product in the place chosen of his domicile.

EASE: The Repartidor qualified desembalará the product so that you ensure that it delivers in perfect conditions, and that has not received any damage during the transport.

LEARNING: The Repartidor qualified will proceed to install the product in the place of his domicile that you wish, and will put it in state of operation. Likewise, you will receive a brief explanation of use and councils of utilisation of the product by part of qualified personnel of Global Relax.

MANUAL OF INSTRUCTIONS: The Manuals of Instructions of our products distribute of electronic form (in format PDF). If you wishes them, with the Service of DELIVERY PREMIUM you can request that the Repartidor deliver him the Manual of Instructions form in paper in the moment of the installation.

RECYCLING: By reasons of space, you can request to the Repartidor that carry all the materials of packaging (cardboards, plastics?) Of his new product. We will commission us of his ecological recycling.

EXCLUSIVITY: This service only is available for those Customers that have purchased an Armchair of Massage.

The service of DELIVERY PREMIUM only applies for those deliveries in Peninsular Territory Spanish and Portuguese.

Price of the Service of DELIVERY PREMIUM SPAIN and PORTUGAL: KARMA, ANANDA, SAMSARA and NIRVANA: 9,90 eur (Iva Inc.)

This service is not refundable, since it can not cancel once loaned the service.

The term of delivery will oscillate between 1 and 15 business days, of agreement to the day and hour that agree jointly the Customer and Global Relax, for the delivery of the product.

The contracting of the service DELIVERS PREMIUM will be compulsory when the form of payment chosen (and definitively approved) was the Finance.

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