General terms and conditions and use of the site
I.-Purpose, object and field of application
Them present provisions regulate the recruitment of products and services offered and the advertising directed to their customers / users from Global Relax S.L., company commercial that operates through Internet from its website ( offering to its customers products of relax and rest (massage body, massage cervical, of feet, of legs, seats of massage, vibrating platforms) (massage armchairs...) and any other products that can add to your range in the future. The present conditions General regulate also them rights and obligations of the parts derivatives of them operations of sale concerted between them themselves.
The clauses that are related later configure the contract framework that all those users that access to the page are forced to know and to accept. For the purposes only of the present general conditions, the term "user" includes any user who has access to the web site, directly, either from any other website.
Services offered by Global Relax S.L. in this website shall be governed by the conditions contained in this agreement. Global Relax S.L. is reserve the right to modify, total or partially, these conditions General, being of application them new that agreed from the time of its publication in the page. In any case, cited amendments will not have retroactive effects on the goods or services already previously hired by the users.
These General conditions linked to both parts and form part full e inseparable of the contract of sale whose efficiency operates in the time of it subscription of the asked to instance of the customer, through them mechanisms of recruitment that subsequently is specified, all this of conformity with it planned in the art. 1,255 of the code Civil of Spain that collects the principle of the autonomy of the will and pacts between them parts contracting. All purpose means that the user accepts the conditions and rules of use here if the button "Accept" that appears at the bottom of this document. "
For guarantee in its integrity them rights of them consumers and users of Global Relax S.L., them present conditions General is established of conformity to it planned in the law Spanish, and in particular in the law 7 / 98 of 13 of April of conditions General of it recruitment, law 7 / 96 of 15 of January of management of the trade retail , Civil Code, Directive 2000/31 EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June, law 34/2002 of July 11, services of the society of information and electronic commerce, law 3/2014, of March 27, is amending the consolidated text of the General Law for the defence of consumers and users and other complementary laws approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November (hereinafter LGDCU) and other applicable law and its implementing regulations.
II.-Identification and social reason of the company offering
Global Relax S.L., with registered address at Avenida del Oro, 13 - Illescas, 45200 (Toledo), registered in the Registro Mercantil de Toledo, 1.601 volume of the section of societies, Folio 66, sheet TO - 37018, inscripción 1ª, provided of CIF Nº B-45833100, provides services of selling electronics online at their website
His contact address is the e-mail: /
Their phone number is (+44) (0) 1707 290 524 / (+353) 21 23 76 194
The address for the purposes of claims will correspond with the indicated as address social of the company.
III.-Legal conditions of service delivery and accountability clarity and transparency in the information:
Global Relax S.L., in compliance with the provisions of article 10 of law 34/2002 of 11 July, through its website and these general conditions, allows access by electronic means of permanent, direct, free and easy way to comprehensive information of your company name (tax, registry data, address and communications management), as well as to the data of the client, of access exclusive to the same, that held in power of the company. Also, in accordance with the mentioned LGDCU offers to the customer both the information pre-contractual (see these conditions General as well as the information additional in them different paragraphs of the web) as the confirmation of them information required legally.
IV.-Conditions of access of the user / client
The user of the website of Global Relax S.L. will have right to the access free and free to the information public collected in the same, while Global Relax S.L. is book the right to restrict the access to information, promotions and offers special to its customers reported.
Any user that access to the website of Global Relax S.L. has right to register is as customer, can therefore welcome is to them offers special intended to the collective of customers reported if meets with them concrete conditions of the offer that for each product is specified.
The public information contained in the website of Global Relax S.L. referred both to the company Global Relax S.L. as to them marks, products, logos,... of them companies wholesale and manufacturers of them products and services offered is are protected by them provisions legal on property intellectual e industrial, by what not is authorizes it copy, transmission, assignment, alienation or use by the customer / user outside to the purpose advertising of its publication virtual that not have with the consent express of Global Relax S.L., of the manufacturer of the product or of the holder of marks and logos, in the terms provided in the paragraph XI on rights of property Industrial e intellectual.
User registration:
The client/user prior to the formalization of purchasing any of the products offered by Global relaxation S.L. must register their data and personal circunstances necessary for the formalization of the contract of sale (name and surname or company name, ID/tax ID, address, email, phone/fax number).
The user only can hire and place orders if you are older than age. Otherwise, the responsibility for ordering by a minor will be borne by the parents or legal guardians of the child.
To make orders in the website, each customer will provide to Global Relax S.L. of form voluntary and low his responsibility its data of character personal.
All the data of character personal provided by the customers of form fraudulent or false may be considered as crime of falsehood of documents commercial.
Global Relax S.L. may offer the customer a personal registration through a password system custom (login) and password (password) to facilitate future operations of purchase customer. In such case, the customer may designate to your criteria the key and the password press, provided these are available or not is are assigned to others customers.
Through an automatic process, Global Relax S.L., if desired by the customer, will generate the password and the password for the client. Key or password with immoral, insulting, degrading, discriminatory content or that they contravene provisions of the laws, nor those with terms that allude to brands, products or designations protected by legal provisions on intellectual property, Industrial, or contrary to the rights to privacy, honour and image will not be accepted.
The customer is committed to ensure the confidentiality of your own key of access and of your password. Global Relax S.L. is exempted from any liability arising from improper use or negligence by the customer in the fulfillment of its obligation of confidentiality of their passwords.
V.-Process of offer and acceptance
Prices policy:
Global Relax S.L. reserves at any time and unilaterally the right to modify the price of the products and services offered through its website. To guarantee to the customer the certainty and security of the price of their products, this will be the existing in the advertising matching with the time of formalize the asked.
In the electronic purchasing process will follow these steps according to the menu of options set forth in the Global Relax S.L. website:
Information about the product offered to the customer:
Information on the final price or retail price of the product to be purchased, containing in the same order the final cost for the customer and including VAT, freight charges and merchandise insurance and handling derived from transportation. The final cost, therefore, will be communicated to the customer in the electronic purchase process before it will formalize its acceptance by choosing the "order acceptance" option in the options menu.
The cost of the shipping costs can be found on our website under the heading "Shipping Costs".
Possible discounts or promotional gifts will be freely directed by Global Relax S.L. To the groups designated at any time by Global Relax S.L., or depending on the product offered, according to the advertising existing at each moment in its web page.
Acceptance of the order:
At the time of formalization of the order, once the option in the menu of acceptance of the order is used, the consent of the customer is understood as providing for the validity and effectiveness of the contract of sale that binds the parties. Global Relax S.L. Will electronically store the order.
Global Relax S.L. After acceptance of the order will inform the client of the same by sending the confirmation of the order and also sending the general conditions in force of Global Relax S.L. To the email indicated by the client.
The commitment made by Global Relax S.L. Sale and delivery of the goods offered is subject to the stock of the product announced, so Global Relax S.L., in its commitment to quality and customer service, always tries to make the products advertised available.
Important note for the purchase of "Opportunities" "Outlet" and "Re-conditioned products": Global Relax S.L. You will be able to offer products in the "Opportunities" and "Outlet" section from customer returns or with a non-significant lack of operation (eg non-original packaging) which will be described in detail in the article description. All products in this category are completely new except for those specifically indicated in their description that are not new. For the latter, as well as for products visibly labeled as "Re-conditioned Product" or second-hand products, the seller and the consumer and user may agree a shorter term, which may not be less than one year from delivery.
Global Relax S.L. Responds to any lack of conformity that manifests itself within two years of delivery. In second-hand products, the seller and the consumer and user may agree on a shorter term, which may not be less than one year from delivery. Unless there is evidence to the contrary, it shall be presumed that defects of conformity occurring within six months after delivery of the product, whether new or second-hand, already existed when the item was delivered, except where this presumption is inconsistent with Nature of the product or the nature of the lack of conformity, it being for the buyer to prove in the remaining 6 months that the lack of conformity already existed at the time of delivery.
Methods of payment by the customer:
The following systems of payment are established:
1º.-Credit Card
Global Relax S.L. accepts payments with VISA, Verified by VISA, MasterCard SecureCode, MasterCard, and American Express. The entity Bank that issued the card must have presence in territory Spanish.
To the make the order, the customer will facilitate them data of your card, that will be stored directly in the entity of methods of payment designated in that time by Global Relax S.L. during the process of purchase. Global Relax S.L. does not store credit card information.
This service will have a surcharge of 0.00% on the amount total of its purchase, according to is displayed in the breakdown of the price.
The purchase limit per credit card order is 3,000€.
The customer can pay your order through the Paypal payment system.
3°.-Standard transfer
These methods of payment consist of the bank transfer or cash payment of the full amount of the order in favor of the bank account owned by Global Relax S.L.; In both modalities of payment with express mention of the order number linked to the payment. Orders with these methods of payment that are not credited to the Global Relax S.L. account. 5 calendar days after the confirmation of the order, will be canceled automatically after this period expires. The limit of established value is 5,000.- EUR per order. In case of exceeding this amount the customer must communicate via e-mail. It is important to remember that some banks may take 1-2 business days to effect the transfer, and account income can take a minimum of 24 hours to be reflected in our system.
Global Relax S.L. Will issue a physical invoice that will be sent and delivered together with the order to the address of the customer designated by the latter.
Global Relax S.L. It warns that it will not be able to later modify to the invoicing the invoices of sales in compliance with the current regulation. (Royal Decree 1496/2003 on Billing standards, modified by Royal Decree 87/2005). The invoice will be issued in the name of the individual or company making the order, so the customer must make sure to place the order to the correct name. No further changes will be possible.
Global Relax S.L. Warns that for reasons of protection of personal data, only duplicate invoices will be issued to the person who holds the contract. Duplicates will not be issued to third parties. Global Relax S.L. It shall not send duplicates of invoice by fax or by electronic mail but only to the address designated by the contract holder. Once the warranty period expires, no more duplicates of invoices may be issued.
The sale is limited to 4 (four) units per product per order.
Place and way of delivery:
The order will be delivered to the designated address at the time of the contract by the customer. The subsequent modification of the place of delivery requested by the customer will only be possible before the order leaves our warehouse and will generate additional expenses on the sale price that will be at the cost of the buyer. Modification of the delivery address once the order has been delivered to the carrier will not be possible unless the customer pays the expenses and so is expressly agreed between the parties. The merchandise will be delivered to the customer (or a third party designated by him) through a transport company outside Global Relax, S.L., Together with an invoice in which the data identifying the customer (or the third party designated by him), the order, the total amount of the refund (only for orders in the form of payment against reimbursement) and the number of Packages that make up the shipment. In the case of "Premium Delivery" the delivery of the product will be carried out by our own specialized staff of Global Relax, S.L. For more information on "Premium Delivery" see the corresponding section on the web
The merchandise is at all times covered by insurance against risks of transportation, loss and handling during transportation.
Important: Make sure that the package received is externally in good condition. Otherwise, note this fact on the delivery note of the carrier, reject the shipment and notify Global Relax, S.L. In the next 24 hours. In case of deterioration of the product or lack of conformity due to transport (which are not manifest at the time of delivery or are not visible externally), you must notify Global Relax, S.L. In the course of the seven calendar days following the receipt by e-mail.
Goods that could not be delivered within seven working days of leaving the premises of Global Relax, S.L. For reasons not attributable to the seller will be returned to the same, refunding the amounts paid for the product in case of orders in the prepaid mode except the redirection (return) costs.
Global Relax, S.L. Will serve your products offered in the Web page only to the areas indicated in the section of Expenses of Delivery.
For other different zones / countries, please consult with our Customer Service, by email: /
Delivery of large products:
The Massage Chairs will be delivered to the portal, not guaranteeing that they can climb to the floors. This decision will be at the personal choice of the delivery agent of the Transportation Agency.
Collection of returns:
The collection of returns of large products (massage chairs) will take place on the same landing as the delivery, ie in the portal, will not be collected from the floors. However, this decision will remain at the choice of the delivery agent of the Transport Agency.
VI.-Products Warranty
The guarantee for products sold by Global Relax, S.L. lends itself and established pursuant to the regulations contained in the legislation in force, in particular, in the mentioned LGDCU, legal framework which aims to facilitate consumer options to enforce sanitation when the purchased good is not compliant with the contract, giving you the option of requiring repair or replacement of the good, except that one of these is impossible or disproportionate. When repair or replacement were not possible or disproportionate results, the consumer may require the reduction of the price or the contract rescinded.
In case of lack of conformity of the product, a term of two years starting from the time of it delivery is recognized so the buyer can make effective their rights, now well, only in them 6 months following to it delivery is presumed that the lack of conformity already existed in the time of it delivery, corresponding to the buyer test, in the remaining 18 months (i.e., from the seventh to the end of the second year) that the good was not as, all this in accordance with the LGDCU.
Commercial Warranty:
The manufacturers can offer guarantees additional, whose extension and duration differ according to the products and the brands. These guarantees will be exclusively in charge of the manufacturer that is forces to them.
For more information about the extension of the warranty initial, refer to the section "Plus warranty" in the web
Under the LGDCU, the seller is obliged to deliver to the consumer a well that is as with the contract of sale in them terms that the same establishes, under which:
"The seller is obliged to deliver to the consumer / user products that are in conformity with the contract, responding to any lack of conformity which exists at the time of delivery of the product. "
In all case, must correspond to the number of series of the product to repair with which record in them files of Global Relax, S.L.
Global Relax, S.L. not is will do charge of possible damage that can result by wrong use, handling or installation not professional, or wrong operation as short circuit. The warranty not will be valid in case of factors external to the use normal of the product, such as rises or drops of voltage, use of accessories unsuitable or prohibited by them manufacturers, falls, water, fire or handling incorrect or abusive from the customer or by third people not authorized by them manufacturers.
The computation of the warranty will give start in the same day of delivery, under the LGDCU.
In case of repair of products, the customer must go exclusively to them services technical official (recognized and licensed by the manufacturers). Is recommended go to them SATs to streamline the procedures of repairs.
Without prejudice of the regime of sanitation above described, and even in case of full conformity of the well, the customer may desist of its asked and return it in the term of fourteen days natural, as is indicates in them paragraphs following, as well as in the document of withdrawal that is delivery in the time of the hiring.
The warranty is directed only to the holder (part contractual) that figure in the invoice and only the holder can demand the same.
Global Relax, S.L. not is liable of meet requirements of third that not have acquired directly the well through Global Relax, S.L. and/or that not stating in the Bill of sale.
VII.-Rights of the Customer
Confidentiality and security of the data personal of the client of conformity with it established in the legislation Spanish existing on protection of data.
Not broadcasting, transmission or publication of the data of the customers without your express consent. Not receive post electronic promote them or advertising should have them rejected.
Access, rectify, cancel or oppose is to the treatment of them data personal of the client that held in the database of Global Relax, S.L. to request of the customer, all this according to it provisions in the paragraph on protection of data personal.
Access free of charge to the sections open of the website of Global Relax, S.L.
Knowing in every moment the State of processing of the order carried out.
Withdraw of the present contract in a period of 14 days natural without need of justification. The withdrawal period shall end at the 14 calendar days from the day the client *, or a third party by the indicated, other than the carrier, acquired the material possession of the goods.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, he shall notify Global Relax, S.L. (address: P.O.B. 1,050 - Getafe, 28.905 - (Madrid) - SPAIN); or through e-mail: /, its decision of withdraw from the contract. May also make a declaration unequivocally of its decision through a letter sent by mail postal. May use the model of form of withdrawal that you provide, although its use not is mandatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, just that the communication concerning the exercise for its part this right is sent before the expiration of the relevant period.
Consequences of cancellation:
In case of withdrawal, return all them payments received, without any takes undue and, in all case, to more take 14 days natural starting from the date in that is has returned the product and its State is fully as to proceed to the return.
We will proceed to make this refund, by default, by transfer Bank to the account, owned by the customer, and indicated by this, unless Global Relax, S.L. and the customer agree jointly and expressly otherwise of different payment; in all case, for the case of the transfer Bank, the customer not incur in any expenditure as consequence of the refund.
* Important: will have the consideration of consumers the people physical or legal that act in a field outside to an activity business or professional. GLOBAL RELAX, S.L., not accept returns for withdrawal on the part of companies or professional.
Return Conditions by withdrawal:
In case of wear or deterioration of the good causes that are not due exclusively to your test for a decision on their final acquisition, Global Relax, S.L., agree with the client the amount to be returned.
The customer shall bear the direct cost of return of property. The amounts for the expenses of return depending on the product, are the shipping costs published below. Single customer will be responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from handling other than the required to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods. In cases of excessive use of the good that return will not be accepted. We ask that before using the product, you decide if you are really interested in it.
- Place of origin A: France - Germany - Ireland - Italy - Netherlands - Belgium - Luxembourg - Austria
- Place of origin B: Denmark - Hungary - Poland - Rep. Czech Rep. - Sweden - Finland - Romania
- Place of origin C: Switzerland - Norway
Global Relax, S.L. will not be responsible for refunds on products handled by the client, or those goods that are returned incomplete both in its key elements as accessories. The right of withdrawal deadline indicated or on products subject to fluctuations of a market not controlled by Global Relax, S.L., nor about perishable objects, objects that can be easily reproduced immediately or which by their nature cannot be returned will not proceed. Nor will proceed the withdrawal about merchandise or orders which may be deemed by its special features tailored as requested by the client.
Instructions for product shipment (return):
The delivery of a possible return not be managed directly in our facilities, they will be handed over to the carrier for shipment. We inform that, to avoid any incident, it is necessary that smaller products (body massagers, etc.) are protected by an additional outer packing - as you have received it in his home - and thus avoid any damage or manipulation of the original packaging of the product during transport. For more great products (let-down massage of legs, chairs massage, etc.) it is not essential to an outer packing protecting the original, however, it is important to ensure that the product is sent properly protected in original box with the protections intended for this purpose (Cork, polystyrene, plastic bubble, etc.) and avoiding any kind of manipulation in the same.
For any questions about proper shipping of products to Global Relax, please consult our customer service department.
All returns of which do not have the original packaging and/or products that do not present the original Global relaxation, S.L. (with N ° RMA) return form will be rejected.
VIII.-Obligations of the user / client
Keep your key personal with the due diligence.
Use faithfully the service of shopping eased by Global Relax, S.L. in its website, refraining is of manipulate them content of its website, introduce contained disparaging or interfere in their media computer through virus u others behaviors prohibited in right.
Respect the Pact of buy a time accepted the order, with the timely payment of the price concerted and abstain is of carry to out behavior abusive and unlawful in it recruitment
Use the information published by Global Relax, S.L. exclusively by the customer strictly within the so-called personal business relationship.
Not reproduce, sell or dispose of the information published by Global Relax, S.L. in all its contents without express permission of the company.
IX.-Rights of Global Relax, S.L.
Keep, modify or suspend your website without prior notice. Change the price of the deals.
Reject orders by lack of stock or non-payment of the customer.
Deny access to tools to customers in the event of breach of these conditions.
Perceive the amount of purchases of the customer accepted the transaction.
Reserve the domain and retain full ownership of the article until the full payment by the customer.
Reserve the right to make drawings of goods or services on your website.
Use the information published by Global Relax, S.L. exclusively by the customer strictly within the so-called personal business relationship.
Not reproduce, sell or dispose of the information published by Global Relax, S.L. in all its contents without express permission of the company.
Proceed to correct or amend human or computer errors.
X.-Intellectual and industrial property rights
Relating to intellectual and industrial property rights (by way of example and without limitation: brands, logos, texts, photographs, icons, images, as well as the graphic design, source code and other software elements contained in the website) are owned by Global Relax, S.L. or of wholesalers and manufacturers of products and services offered. Therefore are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights and protected by Spanish and international legislation.
Without the prior written permission of Global Relax, S.L. reliably, or, where appropriate, the wholesaler or the rights holder product manufacturer, it is not permitted to use, copy, distribute, reproduce, transmit, manipulate, as well as any use exceeding a normal and necessary use to visit the site and use of the services offered.
The access to the services supplied not supposed from Global Relax, S.L. waives, transmission or assignment total or partial of them rights derived of it property intellectual e industrial, or attributed rights of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or communication public on these content without the prior and express authorization by written of them respective holders of such rights , without prejudice of the right of display and obtaining of copy private of security of such content, whenever said right is exercise according to them principles of good faith and whenever is keep unchanged the property intellectual and industrial of the holder of such rights, is use without late commercial and exclusively for information personal of the user.
The responsibility derived of the use of materials protected by them rights of property intellectual e industrial of third contained in this page of way illicit or that violates the morality, the honor or the privacy and the good faith, will correspond exclusively to the user, exempting in all case to Global Relax, S.L. of any responsibility that is derive of such behaviors.
XI.-Exemption of responsibility
Global Relax, S.L. is not responsible for outages that occur in electrical services or telecommunications preventing users to use the services offered.
XII.-Protection of data of character personal information:
The information received by Global Relax, S.L. through its website will be treated with the maximum confidentiality. Global Relax, S.L. observed in all time them provisions force on protection of data, in particular, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data and Organic Law 3/2018 on data protection and guarantee of digital rights, avoid its alteration, loss, treatment and access not authorized and so their employees observe such prescriptions, as well as the duty of secret on them data object of the protection and others obligations of confidentiality force. Also, is committed to not use them data personal of them users of the page for purposes different alien to the object of the recruitment of them services that provides.
In accordance with the legislation current, Global Relax, S.L. collects data of nature personal of their customers and them includes in a file of that is holder and whose treatment is exclusively intended to the purpose of manage them orders requested to the company and respond to them consultations that them users can formulate. The entity responsible of the files is Global Relax, S.L.
The user must provide them data and circumstances personal necessary for give is of high as customer of the company and formalization of contracts of sale (name and surnames or reason social, DNI / NIF, address, address of mail electronic, number of phone / fax). The registration of these data is mandatory; the lack of filling of the same from the user or the supply of data incorrect will make it impossible that Global Relax, S.L. can manage correctly them orders made.
Global Relax, S.L. requests data personal additional to effects statistical that you let know the profile of the user. He user can ignore or leave of communicate any data or circumstance personal that not is absolutely necessary for the high as customer or formalization of the purchase. Global Relax, S.L. may allow that third companies of advertising placed ads in your web.
Them data may be used by Global Relax, S.L. to send to the user information on offers and information advertising to the address of mail electronic or personal provided, to which the customer consents expressly; However, the customer may choose at all times by rejecting the sending of such information by sending an e-mail in this sense.
Also, the customer consents expressly that Global Relax, S.L. communicate such data to companies or banks for the management of the transport and of the collection of the order. Global Relax, S.L. may also carry to out other communications of data provided for in the law.
Data collected by Global Relax, S.L. may be processed and stored in Spain or any other country where it has facilities. Of the same mode, may carry to out transfers international of data to countries not members of the EU, for what the customer provides expressly your consent, all this in accordance with it planned in the law.
Rigths of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition:
Global Relax, S.L., entity target of them data that is collected in this page, is committed to respect and facilitate to them interested the exercise of the rights recognized by the law and, in particular, the rights of access to them data, rectification, cancellation of data and opposition, if is relevant. Such rights may be exercised by the user or, where appropriate, by their representative, by written and signed request to the following address: P.O.B. 1,050 - Getafe, 28.905 - (Madrid) – SPAIN
Security in the treatment, process software and custody of data:
Global Relax, S.L. declares and guarantees that maintains them levels of security for the protection of data personal as has the legislation existing, and that has established all them media technical to his scope for avoid it loss, wrong use, alteration, access not authorized and theft of them data provided by them users. All this without prejudice of the made, that the user expressly accepts, of that the measures of security in Internet no are impregnable.